Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hey Meg! I just wanted to drop a few lines about Sadie and how she is adjusting to her new home. When I picked her up she was so shy and scared and I felt so bad. I can gladly say that she is no longer that shy, scared girl. Sadie (formally Wanda) has come around so much and is getting better everyday. She instantly took to our other pup Eli and they have now become the best of friends.
She is just now figuring out that this is her new home and it's a lot nicer than the shelter (minus the awesome staff of course). In the beginning she was kind of a loner and would go off by herself and lay in the other room. Now she jumps on the couch and tackles you for a kiss. She is no longer shy with strangers. Her butt and tail shakes from side to side when she sees someone new and she sits patiently while they come meet her.
I think that she loves Eli so much that she follows his lead. She knows that if he isn't scared to meet new people she shouldn't be either. I would definitely not use the word shy when describing Sadie and that is awesome considering that she shook like a leaf the first 24 hours we had her. She is quiet compared to Eli but a bomb is quiet compared to Eli so I think she is just developing her own personality. She is the prettiest little thing and she loves to wake Mike up in the morning by kissing all over his face. She also loves to sleep at the end of the bed on top of his legs.
She comes to you when she wants to cuddle – you can't make her cuddle – that is the big difference I see in Sadie and Eli. Eli you could pick up and twirl him over your head and he would love it because it's a form of attention. Sadie likes her attention to be on her terms. You can't hold her or pick her up if she doesn't want it she will let you know. But if she is in the mood she will be all over you. We are just so used to Eli being our shadow. Sadie likes to observe rather than be the center of attention.
I wanted to thank you and everyone who runs Homeward Bound. If it wasn't for you all our family wouldn't be complete. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and that Santa is especially good to you guys because you deserve it!
Here are some pictures of Eli and Sadie resting after playing. I hope you will add them to your success page! I will make sure to keep sending pictures as she gets bigger and bigger.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that is sooooo funny! Molly (formerly Annabelle) is the same. Very friendly, wags not just her tail but her whole rear end. Loves to wake me with kisses, but doesn't really cuddle unless she wants to!

They look very similar too, although Sadie appears a bit darker than Molly. She really is fawn colored! I call her my deer dog. She sometimes jumps straightleggedly up and puts up her "whitetail" like a deer. She wears orange in hunting season!

I would love to get to know some of the littermates better. Start an email chain, for pics and updates! Let me know!
